<a name="1152734"> </a>Notice that the values inserted in the table were surrounded by single quotation marks. In SQL, you must surround any text or date values with single quotation marks but numeric values are not.
<p id="1164506" class="Body">
<a name="1164506"> </a>Alternatively, you can specify the columns for which you want to insert data. This approach lets you insert data to some columns while omitting others. The syntax for this approach is as follows:
<pre>INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,...)
</pre><pre>VALUES (value1, value2,....)
</pre><p id="1152738" class="Body">
<a name="1152738"> </a>For example, the syntax to add Kaleigh Smith of Windham, with the address unknown, you use the named column approach:
<pre>INSERT INTO Clients (LastName, FirstName, City)
</pre><pre>VALUES ('Smith', 'Kaleigh', 'Windham')
</pre><p id="1152741" class="Body">
<a name="1152741"> </a>You used the <code>cfquery</code> tag to execute SQL from ColdFusion. The <code>cfquery</code> tag passes SQL statements to your data source. As described in Chapter 4, a data source stores information about how to connect to an indicated data provider, such as a relational database management system. The data source you established in Chapter 4 stored information on how to access the Compass Travel database. The data source name was called "CompassTravel".
<h3 id="1152742" class="Heading3">
<a name="1152742"> </a>Exercise: insert trip data using SQL INSERT and cfquery
<p id="1152743" class="Body">
<a name="1152743"> </a>In this exercise you will add code to pass the data entered on the Trip Maintenance collection form and insert into the Compass Travel database. To do this, you will be modifying the trip insert action page to use the SQL INSERT statement and the ColdFusion <code>cfquery</code> tag.
<h4 id="1164543" class="Heading4">
<a name="1164543"> </a>To add data using SQL INSERT and cfquery:
<li>Open tripeditaction.cfm in the my_app directory in your editor.
<li>Locate the <code><cfif isOk EQ "Yes"></code> tag near the end of the file. After the <code><H1></code> <code>Trip Added</H1></code> line, add the following code to insert the data from the Form variables into the Trips table:<p class="Note2"><b><i>Tip: </i></b> To save time, you can copy this code from the tripsinsertquery.txt file (for Windows users) or from tripinsertqueryunix.txt (for UNIX users) in the solutions directory.
<li>Save the page and test it by opening the <code>tripedit.cfm</code> in your browser.
<li>In the tripedit.cfm page, fill in the fields with the values in the following figure, then click Save:<p>
<img src="images/add_updatea2.gif" alt="Image shows picture of fields on the Trip Maintenance page." border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0">
</p><p>After the new trip is written to the database, the following message appears: Trip is added.</p>
<li>To verify that the save worked, open tripsearch.cfm in the my_app directory in your browser.
<li>In the Trip Search page, enter Begins With <b>Nor</b> in the Trip Location criterion value in the Search page as in the following figure:<p>
<img src="images/add_update3.gif" alt="Image shows picture of debugging information appended to the bottom of a form page." border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0">
<img src="images/add_updatea.gif" alt="Image shows picture of debugging information appended to the bottom of a form page." border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0">
<li>Click the link to the NH White Mountains to display the details of the trip you just added. Verify that all the fields were saved correctly. <p>The following page appears: </p><p>
<td align="left"><a name="1153312"> </a><div id="1153312" class="CellBody">Using the <code>datasource</code> attribute, <code>cfquery</code> connects to the data source CompassTravel and returns a result set identified by the <code>name</code> attribute. </div></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="left"><pre class="Preformatted">
INSERT INTO Trips (TripName,
EventType, tripDescription,
tripLocation, departureDate,
returnDate, price, tripLeader,photo,
baseCost, numberPeople,
VALUES ( '#Form.TripName#',
'#Form.returnDate#', #Form.price#,
'#Form.tripLeader#', '#Form.photo#',
#Form.baseCost#, Form.numberPeople#,
<td align="left"><a name="1153317"> </a><div id="1153317" class="CellBody">The SQL INSERT statement identifies that the data are to be inserted into the Trips table. The table column names are cited in a comma separated list surrounded by parenthesis (<code>TripName</code>, <code>EventType</code>....) after the table name Trips. </div><a name="1153318"> </a><div id="1153318" class="CellBody">The<code> VALUES</code> keyword indicates the list of values that are inserted into the columns in the same order as the columns are specified earlier in the statement. </div><a name="1165103"> </a><div id="1165103" class="CellBody">The values refer to form variables passed from the data entry form to the action page. The variables are surrounded by pound signs; for example, <code>#Form.baseCost#</code>. Additionally, note that if the column data type is a string data type, then the values are surrounded by single quotation marks; for example: '<code>#Form.TripName#'</code>.</div></td>
<p id="1152777" class="Body">
<a name="1152777"> </a>For more information about adding data to a database using SQL and <code>cfquery</code>, see <i>Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML</i>. For more information about SQL, consult any SQL primer.
<h3 id="1152778" class="Heading3">
<a name="1152778"> </a>Adding data using the simpler, cfinsert approach
<p id="1152779" class="Body">
<a name="1152779"> </a>For those who would prefer not to have to remember SQL syntax to add information to SQL databases, ColdFusion simplifies the coding for inserting SQL rows through the use of the <code>cfinsert</code> tag. As you might expect, the <code>cfinsert</code> tag has <code>datasource</code> and <code>tablename </code>attributes to specify where the data is inserted. The tag also has a <code>formfields</code> attribute to identify which fields to insert. <code>Formfields</code> is a comma-separated list of form fields to insert. If this attribute is not specified, all fields in the form are included in the operation. The following example uses the <code>cfinsert</code> with these attributes:
<td align="left"><a name="1165286"> </a><div id="1165286" class="CellBody">The data source name associated with the database where the data is inserted.</div></td>
<td align="left"><a name="1165358"> </a><div id="1165358" class="CellBody">The name of the SQL table within the database where the data are inserted.</div></td>
<td align="left"><a name="1165471"> </a><div id="1165471" class="CellBody"> A comma-separated list of form fields to insert.</div></td>
<h3 id="1152787" class="Heading3">
<a name="1152787"> </a>Exercise: insert trip data using cfinsert
<p id="1152788" class="Body">
<a name="1152788"> </a>In this exercise, you change the approach the action page uses to insert the data into the database. You will replace the SQL INSERT statement with the <code>cfinsert</code> tag.
<h4 id="1165803" class="Heading4">
<a name="1165803"> </a>To add data using cfinsert:
<li>Open tripeditaction.cfm from the my_app directory in your editor and do the following:<ol type="a">
<li>Remove the entire AddTrip cfquery that you added in the last exercise (from the beginning <code><cfquery name ="AddTrip" datasource="CompassTravel"></code> tag to the <code></cfquery> </code>end tag).
<li>Add the following <code>cfinsert</code> tag to insert data into the trips table in the same location as the code that you just deleted:<pre> <cfinsert datasource="CompassTravel" tablename="TRIPS">
<li>Save the page and test it by opening the tripedit.cfm page in your browser.
<li>Follow steps 4 through 9 in the previous exercise to verify this approach to inserting new trips.</li>
<p id="1155848" class="Body">
<a name="1155848"> </a>For more information about adding data to a database using the <code>cfinsert</code> tag, see <i>Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML</i>.
<h2 id="1155859" class="Heading2">
<a name="1155859"> </a>Updating a SQL row using cfupdate
<p id="1155860" class="Body">
<a name="1155860"> </a>To update an existing SQL row, ColdFusion offers a simple approach for updating SQL rows through the use of the <code>cfupdate</code> tag. Like <code>cfinsert</code>, the <code>cfupdate</code> tag has <code>datasource</code> and <code>tablename </code>attributes to specify where the data is to be inserted. The tag also has a <code>formfields</code> attribute to identify which fields are to be inserted. <code>Formfields</code> is a comma-separated list of form fields to insert. If this attribute is not specified, all fields in the form are included in the operation.
<p id="1155999" class="Body">
<a name="1155999"> </a>All the fields of the tripedit.cfm page have corresponding columns in the Trips table, so you can omit the <code>FormFields</code> attribute for both the <code>cfinsert</code> and <code>cfupdate</code> tags. If the <code>tripID</code> form field is passed from the TripEdit page the cfupdate tag is used otherwise the <code>cfinsert</code> tag is executed. The following example uses the <code>cfupdate</code> and <code>cfinsert</code> without the <code>FormFields</code> attribute:
<td align="left"><a name="1155943"> </a><div id="1155943" class="CellBody">The ColdFusion function <code>IsDefined</code> determines whether the hidden field tripID was passed to the action page from tripedit.cfm. If there is a current trip, the <code>isDefined</code> function returns True. When there is no current trip, the cfif statement is True. When the cfif statement is True , the <code>cfinsert</code> tag executes and the main page displays with the updated trip. If the cfif statement evaluates to False, the cfinsert statement executes and the first trip displays in the main page. </div></td>
<h3 id="1155868" class="Heading3">
<a name="1155868"> </a>Exercise: update trip data using cfupdate
<p id="1155869" class="Body">
<a name="1155869"> </a>In this exercise, you will add the code to update the trip data into the database. You will add the <code>cfupdate</code> tag to the tripeditaction.cfm page.
<h4 id="1166130" class="Heading4">
<a name="1166130"> </a>To update the database using cfupdate:
<li>In an editor, open tripeditaction3.cfm from the solutions directory.
<li>Review the code to update the database (the last 12 lines of code).
<li>Verify that the correct photolocation path is specified. This path is specified in the <cfset PhotoLocation = "C:..."> tag. <p>For example, depending on your web server configuration, the photolocation path might be: </p><ul>
<li>Save the file as tripeditaction.cfm in the my_app directory. </li>
<p id="1155876" class="Body">
<a name="1155876"> </a>For more information about adding data to a database using the <code>cfupdate</code> tag, see <i>Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML</i>.
<p id="1154847" class="Body">
<a name="1154847"> </a>Now that you have built the data entry form adding new and updating existing trips, you will add the logic to link it to the main trip page to test the update logic.
<h2 id="1154864" class="Heading2">
<a name="1154864"> </a>Linking the Trip Edit page to the main page
<p id="1154874" class="Body">
<a name="1154874"> </a>As discussed in Lesson 4, the action page for the maintenance buttons on the main page is maintenanceaction.cfm<code>.</code> You previously added code for the Search and Delete buttons. In the next exercise you will insert the code to call tripedit.cfm from maintenance.cfm as follows:
<a name="1154862"> </a>Notice that when the user clicks the Add button, the maintenanceaction.cfm navigates to tripedit.cfm passing no arguments. Conversely, when the user clicks the Edit button, the Trip Edit page passes the current record id. The Trip Edit page must handle both cases. When a <code>RecordID</code> is passed on the URL, tripedit.cfm must query the database and fill the form with the data for the corresponding trip. The following code properly initializes the trip edit form:
<pre><cfif IsDefined("URL.ID")>
</pre><pre> <cflue in the Sn the user clicks txach ode:el" tablenns, youpre><pre>formfields="tripName, eventType, tripDescri tablenan, tripLocation,
<>or<pre><pree= 'E ADD Btted("Form.b>or<ormfieldse= '' ADD Btted("Form.b>or<pre>Name, evente= 'E ADD Btted("Form.b>or<ormfieldsIQL INSERre= #> <cfdrm.tripNam ADDed("Form.b>or<pre>ode> <c'
ADD Btted("Form.b>or<->
ADD Btted("Form.b>or<>
ADD Btted("Form.b>or<ureDae= '' ADD Btted("Form.b>or<pre>ournDat;c',f Is Btted("Form.b>or<u prit;c'af Is Btted("Form.b>or<, tripLee= 'af Is Btted("Form.b>or<
<cft;cfF76"> (#> <cfdrtureDate#',") from inpfif Is ed...="tripdetail.cfm">
&>or<pre><pree= 'E ADD edForm.b>or<ormfieldse= 'E ADD ed...="triprm.tripID#">
<td align04left"><a name="11527n040 </a><div id="1155943" class="CellBody">The ColdFusion function <code>IsDefined</codean thepedit.cfe hidden fiehidderonal tablinvome="1><ier in the statemen620left"><a name="1152n620le</a><div id="1155943" thepedit.cfecode>Recorgumend is passabasevomcorgumenwhen the user csabarselycordID</cotrip displer in the statemen6201eft"><a name="1152n620> </a><div id="11654t handn thecode>Reco, assaba>cfinsert </WHEREt/a>SQL rows thessons, you used the SQL SELECT stablin876"> </a>For mo tag.</li>
<li>he cor. Tgrams a sting SQtinanceps>
<!--- tripeditr Searchrows thesso from er in the statemen6204eft"><a name="1152n620> </a><div id="11527RT statement and t;cfF76"> , the <code>isDef876"> will add"1155999 er in the stateme5523left"><a name="11533523le</a><div id="1170658" class="CellBody"><b35239eft"><a name="115335239e</a><div id="1170658" class="CellBody"><b3524left"><a name="11559324> </a><div id="11654Ifnd is passabadata so remembaapproach is a strineturns Trtheden fiehida1>&lepedit.cf edit datac written ps>
<!---abase w SQtinanso rebasskform fields to insert.</div></td>
<h3 id="1155868" class="Headi6049<
<a name="115lname="11548 thet qu the user cswith cfquery approac97
<p id="1155860" class="Bc97
<a name="1152743"> </a>In thlode> tag thet qu the user csows picture oDcflocord idse and firrent record ialled "Compan.cfm page22
<h4 id="1166130" class="Headin22">
<a nalode> tagathet qurip paguser csows picture oDcflocord id data using cfinsert:
</h the Add button, the mn tripeditaction.cfm in the my_app diretory in your editor.
<li>rm.tripIDdd the <code
</li></code> tag neartory in your br exerciseresponding tripas thblefteery that yatab:m as follows:
<ol>4the mn tripeaction3.cfm from th the my_app diretory in your
<!-- the ttripeditaction3.cfm from thee>cfquery</codC save 152699tag pal tablinwi
<!-- the t qudenT statblefteery t the file. TMLipIDdd the <codeirowser.
</li>4to the tripedi/pre></li>
<li>Saveile as tripeditaction.cfm in s: Trip is adde marip page to the page and test i;cflocationing the tripedit.cfmectory e and tee="1164712">e coand do the following:">
the user cectory in your edDoue </n page topal tabl.</li>
<li>h"0" vspace="0">
<o inserting new e my_app directory. </l940
</pre><p id="1152741" class="B940
<a namRT statement and thse using the <verify te iss a simple aaues are e passmpassrip pagsCT ral e passsolumn es are suromhe database sert actionuery tag and theolum269ju>isDefse antabase using SQL andcations with CFML</i>3"> </a><div id="1155859" class="Headin3"left"><ationuip pagpage to the main pa343
<p id="1155876" class="B343
<a name="1uery tag and theorip pas></ln thissstatemeninserts new rows into a r must understauery tag and theolx for this approach is as uery tap>
<a namuery tag and theorip pas> insach for548me tg triin the the uninsert </WHEREt/a>SQLage from tripeno/WHEREt/a>SQL>formry"> </> </a>Aldata isage dispr the end of2696"> </a>After the following SQL statement euery tadatabaseSETgAgee= Agee+ 1ID=#Form.tripWHEREtthe= 3ID=#Form.tt;/cfif&g43
<p id="1155869" class="Bg43
<a name="1152699"> </a>the table contains the following rows:
</taldate logic8"> </a><div id="1154864" class="Headin. </div><a name="11multipre e passspage to the main pa30
<p id="1152779" class="B30
<a name="11527se using the <place the Serify te igumen</a>Iahe SQLi>Review thEdit page passeame of antabase using SQL andc Al" cs="Cvno ar the TriunameagsCT ral etaieame of an followy issule aaues are
</prg datace</code> attribute, t stateme="1uery tag and thecation..."> itional15266co a com insert namecrease valu5%ar the > </aissue/a>the table coing SQL INe.cfm as follows Roue="add thecreaseperly 15266ipLeealu5% format (TON --->
</li1y y e and tee="1164712">e coand do the following: Usepe paage shows pictureaoping Coldeactiake/code>al tablge topal n aberly 1y ame="1155t i;cflocationof andit.cfm pas: Trip is adde mathe page and tede tohecreaseile ing the tripedit.cfm on path kinautoliendatayorip pas>d tede toseirowser.
<nserted s: Trip is adUsepe paage shows pictureaoping Coldeact.</p>
</p><p>Annam10%shighfm inserting new e my_app direcldate logi2.
<h2 id="1155859" class="Headi2g2">
<aSumma SQL INto the main pa286
</pre><p id="1152741" class="B286
div><a name="1l</a>As detuse vn patribute for both the <code>cfinsert</code> and <codeo rememba qurip pagrmation abody">The ata inbe insevetuse vn pationuery tag and theolum269ju>isDefse ann patribute e ColdFusion <coion effcfm an rly ge tophecreasepss a insach forresponding columuded in the operatio946
<p id="1154874" class="B946
<div><aY4847"> <co">te vn paG/</cod S
<cod tutorialata inate </a therw SQdghnam the Trico"b="adMX Aba quody">oid</codeapowerfuleaoping Coldmust hanco"&ar source nra.baseCosid</code theomethodation to SQL dhelppecife vn pad</code theoorrhribesrafple aaue="115266action3.batk
<utorialatctlarkolu arhnaormr; tag. <p>For eli><p direireIDEme="115484un the d</codeaaoping Coldm,6muchpal tablSeriormatiis
<cod_Ba>N<p>F_on to SQL _MX_loping ColdF">G/</cod S
<cod Ba>N<p>Fag, see <i>Developing ColdFreclelp_h ki>2699tag .htmrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_to vo the="leace">Aontain patBookreclelp_h ki titled">ontain patBook">p"leace.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"e</codeer"Ceoname=s ">p"leace2.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled">ontaihocrom<p a g, see <i>Devedocit.cf Colde ">p"leace3.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"G/</cod answL ro ">p"leace4.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"C699"c/cod hocrom<p a ">p"leace5.htmlrmhelp_h ki>rec/lelp_to>reclelp_to vo the=
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<c">Ba>N<p>Faa g, see <i>Dloping Coldreclelp_h ki titled"Ba>N<p>Faa g, see <i>Dloping Cold">p
<c_two.htmlrmhelp_h ki>rec/lelp_to>reclelp_to vo the </a>A">="lp
<e ando Ba>N<vn patted. Tloping Coldreclelp_h ki titled"="lp
</l ">de surtact2.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Dde>IsDee and teaoping Coldeode>isDeal e berPet.cfmo ">de surtact3.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Dde>IsDee and termatie berPet.cfmo ">de surtact4.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"De sure and termatbasepss atripeaoping Colde ">de surtact5.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"e</code> tao the tldFusioing Colde ">de surtact6.htmlrmhelp_h ki>rec/lelp_to>reclelp_to vo the </a>A">Writ" clYripe clas g, see <i>Dloping ColdDreclelp_h ki titled"Writ" clYripe clas g, see <i>Dloping ColdD">/a>Nd_1sttact.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Creaf" cltripefclas g, see <i>Dsioing Colde ">/a>Nd_1sttact2.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"U=le aaue, dinking tis a insertt">/a>Nd_1sttact3.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Dd/code> taa ave wo capabilitytt">/a>Nd_1sttact4.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Summa Stt">/a>Nd_1sttact5.htmlrmhelp_h ki>rec/lelp_to>reclelp_to vo the </a>A">Creaf" clashowsDloping ColdDPit paglelp_h ki titled"Creaf" clashowsDloping ColdDPit "> thetact_h ki.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Enhance="1154864"> hows pictureaoping Colde "> thetact_h ki2.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Summa Stt"> thetact_h ki3.htmlrmhelp_h ki>rec/lelp_to>reclelp_to vo the </a>A">Valiame="11Dmation Eed CureBs=les u<Rulesreclelp_h ki titled"faliame="11Dmation Eed CureBs=les u<Rules">/as_rules.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Enhance="1154864"> hows pictureaoping Colde ">/as_rules2.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"U=le aan TMLlatabawillollcfm rmati ">/as_rules3.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Dd/code> ta you wilvaliamethe datatoreed Curebs=les u<rulesi ">/as_rules4.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Summa Stt">/as_rules5.htmlrmhelp_h ki>rec/lelp_to>reclelp_to vo the </a>A">ItldFt.cf" cl1548Bach le aand hows pictureD="115266F tcColdFreclelp_h ki titled" tldFt.cf" cl1548Bach le aand hows pictureD="115266F tcColdF">itldFt.cf_dit.cf_ll tripedit.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Enhance="1154864"> hows pictureaoping Colde ">itldFt.cf_dit.cf_ll tripedit2.htmlrmhelp_h ki>reclelp_h ki titled"Summa Stt">itldFt.cf_dit.cf_ll tripedit3.htmlrmhelp_h ki>rec/lelp_to>reclelp_to vo the </a>A">Athe daand Usimple approD="1reclelp_h ki titled">the daand Usimple approD="1">
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